Knowledge construction: Critical and Intersectional ADHD Thought

While the ‘ADHD Women’ project – welcoming both ADHD women and AFAB non-binary ADHDers – to understand better how they experience and resist anti-ADHD neuronormativity and injustices & inequalities, it was soon clear that this work could only be done if the ‘echo chamber of ADHD knowledge construction’ would be challenged and, on the other hand, if we would construct together critical and intersectional ADHD thought.

From this awareness and desire, a few new projects developed: The ADHD Reading Group was part of this. The Co-constructing ADHD Pedagogy research project is part of this. I am also working on a few publications for this. And some other projects might or might not be in development.

For now, the ‘biggest’ project in progress is the special issue:

The special issue: Critical and Intersectional ADHD Thought: ADHDers Think Back will be the first of its kind: where (only) ADHDers will think back against the echo chamber of ADHD knowledge construction and towards critical and intersectional ADHD thought.

  • Guest editors special issue: Dr Dyi Huijg (lead) and Dr Eric Olund.
  • ADHDers Think Back (in short) be published in the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies (this is an open access journals: publications are digital and free to read and download)
  • Stage: internal peer review process.

Special issues take a long time to publish, so please keep an eye out for updates! You can register for the mailing list (I sent out emails once in a while). You can follow me on Bluesky (‬). And I will write a blog post here once in a while too.

    Dr Dyi Dieuwertje Huijg