PROJECT: The Brexit Project: EU nationals, disability, gender, care and migration (completed project)

With Brexit looming after the 2016 referendum, there was an increasing concern about the risk that the ‘exit’ from the EU would increase intersectional disability, health and care inequalities in the UK. In response to this, I completed in 2018 the small project ‘The Brexit Project: EU nationals, disability, gender, care and migration’. This resulted in a blog post, a contribution to a podcast interview, and an invited book chapter.

FUNDING: unfunded


Huijg, D.D. (2019). “The vulnerable, the dependant and the scrounger: intersectional reflections on disability, care, health and migration in the Brexit Project.” In: Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira & Susan Millns (Eds), Gender and Queer Perspectives on Brexit (pp. 93-123), London: Palgrave Macmillan. [Invited book chapter]

Benson, M. (2018). “What does Brexit mean for disabled migrants and carers from the European Economic Area? A conversation with Dieuwertje Dyi Huijg, Yragael Alexis and Christiane Link“, The Sociological Review (16 Feb 2018). Available here. [Podcast]

Huijg, D.D. (2017). “Brexit and its impact on disabled EU citizens and carers in the UK – Migrants’ Rights Network,” Migrant Rights’ Network (18 Dec 2017) [Blog post]

Dr Dyi Dieuwertje Huijg