Contact, Updates & Enquiries
I have two separate forms related to the project ADHD Women: Resisting a Neuronormative World, the Critical and Intersectional ADHD Thought project, the Co-Constructing ADHD Pedagogy project, or the Intersectional Agency project.
Form 1: professional query or invite
If you have a professional query or you want to invite me (e.g. for panels, guest lectures, interviews), please fill in the form on this page.
Form 2: mailing list for updates
In the first form you have the opportunity to register for the mailing list – you will need to provide your email address and (optionally) your name – so that you will receive email updates. Click here to go to that form. (Note that I’m not an avid updater, so you’ll only receive sporadic emails)
Email directly
You can also send an email directly to DrDDHuijg AT gmail DOT com. (Note that I use that email address only for initial communication.)
Social media
- Follow me on Bluesky (
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
- Connect with on one of the academic socials: or Researchgate
- Have a look at my ORCID profile