INVITE: Survey

RESEARCH: ‘ADHD Women: Resisting a Neuronormative World’ (phase 3, 2024)

This is an invite for ADHD women and non-binary AFAB ADHDers in the UK to participate in the survey (phase 3, 2024) of the research project ‘ADHD Women: Resisting a Neuronormative World’ (survey link here). (Scroll down for more information about participating in the survey).

Optional participation in Phase 4: one chat with me – the researcher – Dyi Huijg (see a bit more on me below). This conversation will be audio recorded.

With your input the project will contribute intersectional, critical and ADHD-affirmative knowledge about how we understand ADHD women’s and non-binary AFAB ADHDers’ lives. This sociological project centres ADHD women’s and non-binary AFAB ADHDers’ own voices and perspectives. The researcher (Dr Dyi Huijg) is also an ADHD woman.

I am currently only looking for…

  • black, brown and/or BAME ADHD women and AFAB non-binary ADHDers
  • trans ADHD women

Eligibility: You are an ADHD woman or non-binary AFAB ADHDer. You are 18+ and live in the United Kingdom. And you received a diagnosis of adult ADHD and/or you currently receive ADHD medication in line with NICE guidelines.

If you know ADHD women and/or non-binary AFAB ADHDers who might be interested in participating, you can send them the link to this page, the flyer below, the QR code (right) or the link to the survey: https://forms.office.com/e/tCve0uc3Nz!

Extension: this survey (phase 3) stays open till 15 December 2024
Extension: conversations (phase 4) will be held till 22 December 2024

To go to the survey….

Background researcher: My name is (Dr) Dyi Huijg. I am a Leverhulme Early Career research Fellow in Sociology at the University of Roehampton (so I am not a ‘medical doctor’). I am also an ADHD woman myself and you are very welcome to be ‘as ADHD’ as you want in the conversation (I am too!). I am 46 years old. I am also gay, white, an EU migrant (Dutch), cis (but not gender conforming), and disabled in various ways. My background is in activism and research, where I’ve worked on various social justice issues – including feminism, LGBT rights, anti-racism, and disability. My PhD was on ‘intersectional agency’ and herein I looked, among others, at both race privilege and gender disadvantage. I am now writing that up as a book.

Contact details:

Funding: This research project is funded by the Leverhulme Trust through a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship.

Ethics: This project has been reviewed and approved under the procedures of the University of Roehampton’s Research Integrity and Ethics Committee (nr. SSC 21/ 042).

Logo Leverhulme Trust
Logo University of Roehampton

Participating in the survey

In this survey, you can write about the ways that you experience, view and resist gendered anti-ADHD inequalities and injustices and what it would be like to live in a world free of such inequalities and injustices.

You are asked questions about, for example, ADHDness, being an ADHD woman or non-binary AFAB ADHDer, living a gendered ADHD life, and about inequality and injustices, inclusion and exclusion, resistance, diversity and intersectionality, and society.

You are specifically invited to also share your intersectional ADHD experiences and perspectives, such as with racism, homo- and biphobia, transphobia, religious prejudice, classism and/or (non-ADHD) ableism.

In the survey (phase 3), the way to write about this is to respond to one or more of sixteen (16) optional open-ended questions. ‘Open ended’ means you can write what you want (max 600words per question). You can pick and choose questions. Just respond to as many or as few questions as you want to! (You can download the questions from this link). If you also want to take part in phase 4, you will receive questions beforehand too.

The questions in the survey cover four topics:

  • Topic A: Being an ADHD woman in a neurotypical world
  • Topic B: Experiencing inequalities and injustices as an ADHD woman
  • Topic C: Pushing back against the neurotypical world as an ADHD woman
  • Topic D: Intersectional emphasis

Two ways how you can complete the survey.

  1. Start the survey and complete it in one go, OR
  2. Download the document with the open-ended questions (from this link) and prepare your responses in your own time. You can then go to the survey and copy-paste your responses into the survey once you’re ready to complete it.

To go to the survey….

The survey is open till 15 December 2024

After the survey, you can participate in one more part in the research (Phase 4) if you would like to. Phase 4 consists of one recorded semi-structured conversation over Zoom. If you would like to be invited to participate in phase 4 too, then you can give your name and email address at the end of the survey. The last date for this is 22 December 2024.

Dr Dyi Dieuwertje Huijg