Professional query or invite

Please fill in the form below, if you have a professional query or invite (e.g. a panel, guest lecture, interview) – the project ADHD Women: Resisting a Neuronormative World, the Critical and Intersectional ADHD Thought project, the Co-Constructing ADHD Pedagogy project, or the Intersectional Agency project.

You can also send an email to DrDDHuijg AT gmail DOT com. (Note that I use that email address only for initial communication.)

I very much enjoy sitting on panels, giving guest lectures, receiving invites for podcasts and interviews and so on. However, note that I support ADHD knowledge construction that is…

  • critical (as in ‘race critical’ or ‘critical autism’, not ‘gender critical’)
  • intersectional
  • ADHD-affirmative
  • grounded in ADHD standpoints — in ADHD lived experience and perspectives
  • and is produced by ADHDers themselves

In case of an invite or similar, it would be helpful if you could clearly state (1) the title/topic/type, (2) the (expected) date/time, and your expectations around (3) my role and (4) my contribution. I appreciate neuroaffirmative communication: e.g. bullet points are completely fine with me.

Dr Dyi Dieuwertje Huijg