My main research project at the moment is about ADHD women, social inequalities and anti-ADHD injustice – it is entitled ADHD Women: Resisting a Neuronormative World.
All my research uses an intersectional perspective, meaning that I look at the interrelatedness of, for instance, gender, race, sexuality, class, age/generation, and dis/ability and neurodiversity. I am broadly interested in social justice, social inequalities and power relations, with specific attention to two aspects:
- the way that disadvantage and privilege interact
- the problematisation of hegemonic and normative structures – e.g. whiteness, masculinity and ‘neuronormativity’.
I have an additional interest in qualitative methodology and critical pedagogy, and how to ‘neurodiversify’ these.
Summary of interests:
- power relations & social inequalities: e.g. regarding gender, race, neurodiversity & disability (incl. chronic illness, madness), age/generation, sexuality, and juniority-seniority in activism
- social in/justice – specifically (the potential for) social change and conscientisation at the individual, collective and structural level, and questions of accountability and responsibility
- agency, action and inaction
- resistance, activism and social movement organising
- well-being and care (and the lack thereof)
- pedagogy, group facilitation, teaching and learning
- qualitative methodology – specifically phenomenological and adjacent methods
- theory – e.g. intersectional, feminist, race critical and critical whiteness, critical disability, critical ADHD, social movement theory, and generally social theory
Current projects:
- ADHD Women: Resisting a Neuronormative World
- Understanding Intersectional Agency: Privilege, disadvantage, and feminist activists in São Paulo, Brazil
- Phenomenological Conversations
- Relaxed Pedagogy (RelaxPed)
Completed project:
For more detailed information, see my CV.